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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Galen Erickson” ,找到相关结果约634条。
Managing N Inputs and the Effect on N Losses Following Excretion in Open-Dirt Feedlots in Nebraska
Galen E. Erickson,Terry J. Klopfenstein
The Scientific World Journal , 2001, DOI: 10.1100/tsw.2001.363
Nutritional Methods to Decrease N Losses from Open-Dirt Feedlots in Nebraska
Galen E. Erickson,Terry J. Klopfenstein
The Scientific World Journal , 2001, DOI: 10.1100/tsw.2001.364
Immigrant Entrepreneurs: The Face of the New Nashville  [PDF]
Galen Spencer Hull
iBusiness (IB) , 2010, DOI: 10.4236/ib.2010.21001
Abstract: This paper examines the remarkable growth of the foreign-born population in Middle Tennessee over the past couple of decades and the significant role that immigrant entrepreneurs are playing in the economic development of the region. The largest segment of the foreign-born is Hispanic, with Mexico accounting for the greatest percentage, and sizeable numbers of Kurds, Somalis, Sudanese, and Laotians. The Chinese and Indian communities are prominent in business. At the same time, the issue of illegal immigration is working its way to the top of the legislative agenda in the U.S. Congress, making it all the more important for us to document this phenomenon. Middle Tennessee, comprising the greater Nashville metropolitan area, is now home to thousands of new residents from around the world, earning it the sobriquet as one of the nation’s New Ellis Islands. Since the 1970s research has confirmed the important contribution that the small business sector is making to the U.S. economy, accounting for a large portion of job creation and innovation. Richard Herman and Robert Smith, in their recent book entitled Immigrant, Inc., make the case that immigrant entrepreneurs are driving the new American economy and will save the American worker. The paper draws upon research conducted by faculty and graduate students in the College of Business at Tennessee State University during 2008-2009. With funding from the Tennessee Board of Regents, a College of Business team conducted a series of focus groups, face to face interviews, and an extensive questionnaire in the fall of 2008 and spring of 2009. On three occasions the TSU team hosted public forums in which the results of the survey were shared with those participating in it as well as public officials responsible for economic and community development. Team members relied upon the intermediary services of immigrant chambers of commerce and other community organizations with ties to foreign-born business owners. In the course of the survey the Metro Nashville government conducted a referendum on a proposal to require an English Only amendment on public documents. The Mayor’s Office and Nashville Chamber of Commerce lobbied against the amendment, which was roundly defeated. But it was a coalition of immigrant groups that rallied against the amendment, bringing them together in a common cause that made the difference. There is reason to believe that a New Nashville is taking form and finding its voice.
On the Politics of Self
Galen Watts
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/0008429818764114
Abstract: In the last quarter century, a steadily increasing number of North Americans, when asked their religious affiliation, have self-identified as “spiritual but not religious” (SBNR). Charles Taylor argues that the popularity of “spirituality” is the result of the “massive subjective turn of modern culture”; while Paul Heelas has deemed this new religious form, “self-spirituality.” Many scholars have taken a critical stance toward this recent cultural development, positing that self-spirituality is a byproduct of the self-obsessed and individualistic culture which saturates the West, or that spirituality, at its worst, is simply a rebranding of religion in order to support consumer culture and the ideology of late capitalism. In this article, I seek to problematize these accounts. Drawing from qualitative data collected from semi-structured interviews with Canadian millennials who self-identify as SBNR, I will argue that self-spirituality is less individualistic and narcissistic than these scholars assert, its relationship to late capitalism is better understood as ambivalent, rather than congenial, and due to their methodological prejudices these critiques of self-spirituality are inadequate to analyse and understand the politics of self-spirituality
Stvarna intencionalnost 2. Za?to intencionalnost stvara svijest?
Strawson, Galen
- , 2006,
Abstract: Sa?etak Intencionalnost je esencijalno mentalni, esencijalno zgodimi?ni, te esencijalno iskustveni (svjesni) fenomen. Svaki poku?aj karakteriziranja intencionalnosti koji je izdvaja iz svjesnog iskustva suo?uje se s dva nesavladiva problema. Prvo, obvezno je priznati da gotovo sve (ako ne i sve) ima intencionalnost – sve do subatomskih ?estica. Drugo, ima za posljedicu da sve ?to ima intencionalnost, ima je puno previ?e – mo?da beskona?no mnogo. Klju? zadovoljavaju?e i istinski naturalisti?ke teorije intencionalnosti jest (1) realisti?ka koncepcija naturalizma i (2) ispravno razvijeno razumijevanje fenomena spoznajnog iskustva
Real Intentionality 2. Why Intentionality Entails Consciousness?
Strawson, Galen
- , 2006,
Abstract: Sa?etak Intentionality is an essentially mental, essentially occurrent, and essentially experiential (conscious) phenomenon. Any attempt to characterize intentionality that detaches it from conscious experience faces two insuperable problems. First, it is obliged to concede that almost everything (if not everything) has intentionality—all the way down to subatomic particles. Second, it has the consequence that everything that has intentionality has far too much of it—perhaps an infinite amount. The key to a satisfactory and truly naturalistic theory of intentionality is (1) a realistic conception of naturalism and (2) a properly developed understanding of the phenomenon of cognitive experience
- , 2005,
Abstract: Sa?etak L’intentionnalité est un phénomène essentiellement mental, essentiellement événementiel et essentiellement expérienciel (conscient). Toute tentative de caractérisation de l’intentionnalité qui la sépare de l’expérience consciente est confrontée à deux problèmes insurmontables. D’abord elle est obligée de reconna?tre que presque tout (sinon tout) – y compris même les particules subatomiques – est doté d’intentionnalité. En conséquence de quoi, tout ce qui est doté d’intentionnalité en est beaucoup trop – peut-être infiniment. La clé d’une théorie de l’intentionnalité satisfaisante et vraiment naturiste est (1) une conception réaliste du naturalisme et (2) une compréhension correctement développée du phénomène de l’expérience cognitiv
- , 2005,
Abstract: Sa?etak Intentionalit?t ist ein essenziell mentales, essenziell ereignishaftes und essenziell auf Erfahrung beruhendes (bewusstseinsbetontes) Ph?nomen. Jeder Versuch, der die Intentionalit?t charakterisieren will und sie von der bewussten Erfahrung entkoppelt, sieht sich zwei unüberwindbaren Problemen gegenübergestellt. Erstens muss man einr?umen, dass beinahe alles (wenn nicht geradezu alles) Intentionalit?t besitzt – bis hin zu den subatomaren Partikeln. Zweitens hat dies zur Folge, dass alles, was Intentionalit?t besitzt, viel zuviel davon besitzt – ja vielleicht sogar unendlich viel davon. Der Schlüssel zu einer zufrieden stellenden und wirklich naturalistischen Theorie der Intentionalit?t ist (1) ein realistisches Konzept des Naturalismus und (2) ein wohl entwickeltes Verst?ndnis des Ph?nomens der kognitiven Erfahrung
Adding Value to Crop Production Systems by Integrating Forage Cover Crop Grazing  [PDF]
Robert B. Mitchell, Daren D. Redfearn, Kenneth P. Vogel, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen Erickson, P. Stephen Baenziger, Bruce E. Anderson, Mary E. Drewnoski, Jay Parsons, Steven D. Masterson, Marty R. Schmer, Virginia L. Jin
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2024, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2024.153013
Abstract: In addition to their value as cereal grains, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack) are important cool-season annual forages and cover crops. Yearling steer (Bos taurus) performance was compared in the spring following autumn establishment as for age cover crops after soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] grain harvest. Replicated pastures (0.4 ha) were no-till seeded in three consecutive years into soybean stubble in autumn, fertilized, and grazed the following spring near Ithaca, NE, USA. Each pasture (n = 3) was continuously stocked in spring with four yearling steers (380 ± 38 kg) for 17, 32, and 28 d in 2005, 2006, and 2007, respectively. In 2005, average daily gain (ADG) for steers grazing triticale exceeded the ADG for wheat by 0.31 kghd-1d-1. In 2006, wheat ADG exceeded that for triticale by 0.12 kghd-1d-1. In 2007, steers grazing wheat lost weight, while steers grazing triticale gained 0.20 kghd-1d-1. Based on the 3-year average animal gains valued at $1.32 kg-1, mean net return ($ ha-1 yr-1) was $62.15 for triticale and $22.55 for wheat. Since these grazed cover crops provide ecosystem services in addition to forage, grazing could be viewed as a mechanism for recovering costs and adds additional value to the system. Based on this 3-year grazing trial, triticale was superior to wheat and likely will provide the most stable beef yearling performance across years with variable weather for the western Cornbelt USA.
Sustainable Management of Eutrophic Lakes and Reservoirs  [PDF]
Tyler Wagner, Larry E. Erickson
Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/jep.2017.84032
Abstract: Eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs is a major water quality problem that poses significant environmental, economic and social threats around the world. Monitoring and managing lakes and reservoirs to prevent or limit eutrophication, therefore, has significant value. The literature has been reviewed to study ecological engineering and management methods that have been and can be applied to improve water quality. Ecological engineering has the potential to be utilized to improve the design and operation of lakes and reservoirs through monitoring and active management of biological, chemical and physical components. Phosphorus concentrations can be reduced by effective and sustainable management practices to improve water quality.

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